1. What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a vitamin that you can produce in your body through the influence of sunlight, provided that you expose yourself to sunlight daily. However, most of us spend most of our time indoors, as we spend a lot of time in the office, car, or on the sofa. It’s not surprising that this can lead to a vitamin D deficiency. Often, this deficiency is so significant that it can only be compensated for with a dietary supplement. However, you should know that it is best to take vitamin D3 together with Vitamin K2 as the two vitamins regulate each other and play an important role together in calcium absorption.
A small part of our vitamin D3 requirement can also be met through food, but the majority is produced by our bodies through the influence of sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to expose your face, hands, and larger parts of your arms and legs to the sun every day. The more skin you show, the better the sun can penetrate the upper layers of your skin to activate the sunshine vitamin. Usually, 5 to 25 minutes per day are sufficient.
You may be wondering what the function of the sunshine vitamin is and why it is so important for us. The fact is: it is essential because you primarily need it for the absorption of calcium, but it is also crucial for our immune system and even has an impact on the regulation of over 2,000 genes.
2. Where is Vitamin D found and what are the differences?
As a fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, eggs, avocados, and mushrooms, among other foods. However, the content is much lower than the amount produced by sunlight exposure. Additionally, Vitamin D occurs in different forms with varying bioavailability. Although we always refer to it as Vitamin D, it is more precisely the two vitamins D3 and D2. The most effective form is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which you can both produce in your body and obtain through your diet by consuming fish, for example. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is also present in the diet, such as in plant-based foods, but you cannot properly utilize this form of vitamin.
3. What are the causes of Vitamin D3 deficiency?
Vitamin D3 deficiency is not as uncommon as you might think. People living in northern latitudes, where the sun appears less frequently and is not as intense as in the summer, are usually under-supplied, especially during the cold season. During this time, we mostly cover our skin with long clothing.
However, it may surprise you that you can also have a Vitamin D3 deficiency in the summer. This may be due to frequently staying indoors, preventing the activation of the sunshine vitamin due to the lack of sunlight.
4. Why can taking a dietary supplement be beneficial?
If you want to prevent a Vitamin D3 deficiency, daily outdoor exposure is essential. However, we all know that it is not always easy in our busy everyday lives. In addition, the production of Vitamin D through sunlight varies for each individual due to external factors.
The amount of Vitamin D obtained from the sun depends on
- skin type,
- age,
- sunscreen protection factor,
- size of exposed skin area,
- latitude,
- season and time of day.
Did you know that Vitamin D production decreases with age? Or that applying sunscreen can block the absorption of Vitamin D? You can easily compensate for these factors by using a dietary supplement, which can also be beneficial for those who spend most of their time indoors or have a Vitamin D deficiency due to their latitude.
Furthermore, regular consumption of fresh fish should be part of your diet, as fish is not only rich in Vitamin D but also in healthy and essential Omega-3 fatty acids. However, you would have to eat large quantities of fish daily to ensure an adequate Vitamin D supply through diet alone, which is unlikely for most of us. Therefore, it would be challenging to compensate for an existing deficiency solely through fish consumption.

5. That’s why a Vitamin D3 K2 dietary supplement makes sense
As you now know, the sunshine vitamin has many functions. One of its most important tasks is the absorption and storage of calcium in bones and teeth. However, calcium storage does not work solely with the sunshine vitamin. You also need Vitamin K2. Otherwise, the calcium from the intestine may not be absorbed but instead enter the bloodstream.
When the body cannot utilize the excess „useless“ calcium, it deposits in the blood vessels. This can lead to plaque formation and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. At that point, it doesn’t matter if you eat a healthy diet.
If you want to supply your body with calcium and protect your blood vessels from plaque, you should not take the sunshine vitamin in isolation but in combination with Vitamin K2.
Vitamin K2 activates two proteins: osteocalcin and matrix Gla protein. Osteocalcin is responsible for depositing calcium in bones and teeth, while matrix Gla protein flushes out excess calcium from blood vessels.
6. Vitamin D3 drops as the best form of administration
Vitamin D3 drops containing Vitamin D3 and K2 are the best way to supply your body with the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D3 drops are made based on plant oil since Vitamins D3 and K2 are fat-soluble vitamins that can only be absorbed in combination with fat.
The great thing is that Vitamin D3 drops do not contain any additives. With a pipette, you can easily apply them on or under your tongue, let them sit briefly, and you’re done. A few drops are enough to improve your Vitamin D intake. However, if you have a Vitamin D3 deficiency, a much higher dosage may be necessary. In this case, it is advisable to seek medical advice to be on the safe side.
7. Conclusion
Due to the lack of sunlight in winter and the fact that many people spend more time indoors during both the cold season and summer, Vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon. If you want to compensate for this deficiency or prevent a deficiency in general, you should supplement your diet with Vitamin D3 drops containing K2 to provide your body with valuable sunshine vitamin and, incidentally, improve calcium absorption.